It's been a while since I've landed here. There have been so many things going on and I stay so busy with all our beautiful blessings.
It's been a year since our little one was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. Wow. A year ago I was such a mess. What a time of learning and trusting in the Lord it has been. Things are in a predictable routine now and I'm not so overwhelmed. I am thanking God for this season of calm and good health. Our little guy is doing so well. His weight is up and he's doing awesome.
Now that things have settled down with our little guy I've had time to devote to my own health. I had been putting off a lot of things because there was no time and I was so focused on CF. But, now I've been able to see a couple of docs and do some more research into what's been ailing me. Inflammatory arthritis. Talk about complicated. The doctor is leaning towards a further diagnosis of what kind of inflammatory arthritis it is. Undifferentiated Spondylarthropy or Rheumatoid Arthritis. He's leaning towards to former and so am I. There have been so many symptoms over the years and they have just gotten worse. The medication is helping to improve my symptoms. But, I continue to have fatigue, low grade fevers, pains that migrate from day to day, and the continued uncertainty of exactly what kind of arthritis I have. It's been a relief to finally get some answers. I see the rheumy doc in a couple of months for a follow up. I pray to have further answers then.
Well, I can hear one of the blessings coughing upstairs. Think I should go check. Thanks for reading and I hope to become more regular about posting.
God bless.