A Thread of My Own

My days pass so quickly - tending to this and then that - I start threads in my mind and then never get them finished. This, I pray, will be a spot to place them and maybe even share...a thread of my own.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Stepping Out

It's been a difficult week. I have days when I tend to let myself drift toward melancholy. I generally get irritated with this after a bit. I am just too pressed to tolerate it. But, at the same time part of me just needs to let it be for a bit. So.....the tension.

Regarding my sweet and salty one, well, I have begun to hear just the slightest bit of junk in his respiratory track. A clearing of the throat here, a small cough there. Just the slightest. I've noticed he wakes in the mornings a bit congested. For several months I sat squarely on the seat of denial. At first there was devastation. Then, with my mother's diagnosis there was hope. Actually, I suspected my mother's diagnosis way before it was official. I pressed to get it. To be honest, once I had a list of symptoms in front of me, I diagnosed them both. I remained guarded to the possibility of it taking a different route than hers. But, after several CF clinic visits, lots of internet research, and more understanding of the specifics regarding his mutations, I can see that I can't hide behind that false assurance any longer. It's kinda like stepping out from behind your daddy's pant leg. Still gripping tightly to the fabric, leaning way out, to see what's there. Trouble is, you can't see a thing.

1 comment:

  1. Hi found your blog from your comment on mine!! Thanks so much for the reccomendation of BFAIR and "reading made easy" who was the author of the reading book? Email me @ larrynkrista@gmail.com please...

    Regarding your blog, love the name! They are sweet and salty aren't they? Hope this recent congetion goes away quickly and healthy prayers coming your way!
