A Thread of My Own

My days pass so quickly - tending to this and then that - I start threads in my mind and then never get them finished. This, I pray, will be a spot to place them and maybe even share...a thread of my own.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Off Kilter

Monday was a long day.  It was clinic day for us.  There were things that were different and unexpected and these threw me off kilter a bit.  I didn't realize how much until we arrived home and I hit the bed.  Finally done with a long day filled with both joys and stresses I relaxed and the emotions came freely.

There are so many things about CF that are extremely difficult.  Finding balance in life with CF for our son, as his mom, is so difficult.  I want the most normal life possible for him without taking stupid and unnecessary risks.  Risks for those with Cystic Fibrosis are all about bacteria!  Someone at our clinic said it's like walking a balance beam between total paranoia and too much risk.  In between is the fine line that is normal for our son.  We've just got to find it.  We, as his parents, have to define and decide exactly where the balance beam lies.

Progressive..........it's a thing that can allow me some denial..............some.  Until I see an x-ray and there's a bit of white fuzziness that wasn't there before.  Nothing overwhelming.  Just a confirmation of the junk I've heard rattling around in there.  Progressive.............undetermined progressiveness.  Speed unknown.

Will I ever get accustomed to this?  Like, I want to?  The only thing about CF that is certain is that it is progressive.  How I loathe that word............on many levels.

My mind knows that the things we consider certain many times are not.  There is only one certainty and that is Christ.  God is sovereignly in control.  He assures me that in this world I will have trouble.  He encourages me to take heart because He has overcome the world.  I know, from His Word, that our life is like a vapor.  I know that all things work together for good (his definition of good) for those that love Him.  And, I know His mercies are new every morning and His grace is sufficient for me.  Oh Jesus, thank you for your Word in my heart.  That I can lean on You and Your promises to me.  My goodness Lord, I thank you for all my life holds that makes me trust and depend more deeply, thoroughly on you, in a way I wouldn't otherwise.  In that way, I thank you for CF.  

But, oh Jesus.  I hold that sweet boy and wonder how long I can.  I breathe him in every day.  I think ahead to his suffering.  Then I remember Matthew 6.  Who by worrying can add a single day to his life?  Jesus knows my days and our son's.

God is merciful that we don't know the future.  But, with CF, we know in part.  Imagine being told five, ten, fifteen, maybe even fifty years before it occurs, that you will have cancer and it will be fatal.  But, you don't know if it's five, ten, fifteen, or fifty years ahead.  You only know that the cancer has begun to grow and is progressive in its growth.  You don't know how many years it will be before you see and feel the affects.  You don't know how long your active battle will be.  You only know you will most definitely see the affects and you will see battle.  Who wants to know that?  Then imagine you're told that you can keep yourself healthier for longer, keep your cancer from progressing as fast, if you avoid something as common as water or air......bacteria!  But, now here's the kicker.  It's not YOU who will have cancer............but your baby boy.  Your sweet, dear, precious boy.

Oh, it's a balance all right.  And last Monday I fell off the beam.  I think it may have shifted under my feet.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

I'm So Far Behind I Thought I Was First

I have a sign that hangs in our home that says "I'm So Far Behind I Thought I Was First"!  It describes these past several weeks.  I have been so busy.  So many things that must get done and then the things that I simply WANT to get done..........not making much progress on those.

A simple thing like switching out spring/summer clothes for fall/winter clothes is a daunting task for a large family.  Whew!  I'm almost there.  I love our hand-me-down closet.  We shop at home FIRST!  Then make a list of things for the oldest of each gender and those things that seem to be missing in the hand-me-downs.  It is time consuming though getting each kiddo switched out.

I still have work to do on our Great Strides Walk.  It was a huge success.  We had the most registered walkers and exceeded our goal by 50%!  Pretty good first year.  Now that I have a sense of what I am doing I look forward to beginning earlier and smarter next year.  But, there are thank yous to send and a video I'm putting together.

Then there is just the day to day around here.  It's busy from the moment I open my eyes.  I play possum most mornings just so there's a bit of quiet in which to pray at the start of a new day!  I need Him each day in every moment and every task.  Just knowing He's there with me all day...........thank you Lord.  He sees me mess up, fail, seek forgiveness, if needed, and start again.  I'm always telling the kids that we all fail, we all sin in some area and fall short of God's standard, but, it's what we do at that point that makes all the difference.  That's where I don't want to disappoint.

It's only at the end of the day, like now, up way too late, that I can have a complete thought!  The soft snoring of my wonderful husband, and the quiet breathing of our youngest little one on the monitor, and crickets chirping outside our bedroom window.................ahhhhh.

Well, there's more, but the bed is calling my name.  Tomorrow we go to church.  Such a good day it will be.